Thursday, February 27, 2014

Isaiah 54:11

Isaiah 54:11

I've often wondered throughout my life why God gives us hard things. Why does he often lay the path we walk with rugged and rough stones?
When I was 13 I had really severe acne and I couldn't understand why God would afflict me with that. I prayed and prayed for God to heal me. I knew that He could, but no matter how hard I prayed it never got better. I was angry. Why wouldn't God heal me?! He had the power, the means, and the glory! And then one day I realized that this affliction was mine to bear and that it was making me stronger. Those sharp stones that were cutting up my feet, hurt in the moment, but they were making my feet stronger. I could walk in places that I never would have been able to before. I began to understand that God loved me and He didn't want me to suffer. But that He loved me enough to give me those stones. And that one day he would lay them with fair colors. I knew from then on that any trial I faced was to make me stronger and that in time I would see the beauty that came from them. I'm grateful to Heavenly Father for teaching me this.

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